The Meatrix

The For Real Story Behind factory Farming

I do not want this post to be taken the wrong way and peole get offended. I just want to bring awareness to something that I believe is very important.
I can't say or support this website enough. These videos are a simple and perfect illustration of what really goes on in our meat and dairy industries.
The point and purpose of this website is not to stop eating meat and dairy; but to support local, organic farmers that have respect for both their animals and nature. Their practices work together with the animals they raise and the environment in which they live and graze on. We can make a difference if we want to!

Click on the picture to watch this entertaining video that breaks down a very important topic in our society, into a very easy and understandable manor.

Cooking and Thinking Outside the Box

Rainforest with wild mushroom

I want you to be able to prepare something for dinner and then see the other possibilities from what is leftover. Or see that every time you make my basil pesto to use as a pizza base, that there are so many other things you could do with one simple, nutrient dense spread.

Every recipe I write has a "Cook Outside the Box" at the bottom of the page. This is to help you become creative and realize that cooking can become quite simple if you just look outside the box.

Click on the cute little picture to read more!

Organic Vanilla Bean Extract

Happy Birthday my little, delicious organic vanilla extract. She is 1 month old today, I have purchased another LB of organic vanilla beans and will be starting another batch of organic vanilla extract once I arrive home from Mexico. This vanilla extract will take about 4-6 months to be ready so it still has a long way to go, but trust me, good things come to those who wait!

You will be able to purchase this when it is ready, I will be posting her (yes, HER) 2 month birthday next month :) Check this article I wrote on my most favorite ingredient in the world, to learn more about vanilla and all of it's deliciousness.  Vanilla, I Love You!