Braising food comes from the heart and having patience. It is the only way you are going to produce that rich and delicious flavour.
Braising is a combination of both dry heat and moist heat. That is why a cast iron Staubb "Cocotte" pot is best for this method of cooking. The trick to a great braised dish starts with searing your meat till it forms a nice brown crust on each side.
Season your meat with salt and pepper. Do not crowd your pan too much while searing the meat, this creates too much moisture and your meat will start to release too much liquid and will not brown. Then add your liquid, which is usually a wonderful stock with red wine and port. Follow your recipe accordingly and you should be on your way to a delicious hearty meal! For more great tips on braising, I recommend joining Rouxbe, an on line culinary school with amazing, simple instructional cooking techniques.