What is your time worth? That is a good question to ask yourself, especially when you have adrenal fatigue and you are exhausted and constantly running around trying to do everything. I am not a mom, but many of my clients are, and it seems as though every mom I meet these days is trying to do it all and some. If they're not super mom it's like they are looked down upon by society and their family members. This makes me mad and I feel I have to represent my female humans. Saying no and doing things for yourself makes you a stronger and more powerful woman.
Woman have exhausted themselves so much these days that they have physically drained their adrenal glands. Our adrenal glands produce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that are released when we are feeling stressed out physically and mentally. The problem with not taking action when you have adrenal fatigue is that if our adrenal glands are constantly producing cortisol due to stress, it also impairs the adrenal glands ability to balance other hormones in the body such as; estrogen and progesterone. Which can lead to many other health issues.
How do you know you have adrenal fatigue?
Have a hard time getting up in the morning
Are you always tired
Not interested in having sex
Need coffee for energy
Weight changes
Food cravings
Foggy mind, can't think properly
Want to cry all the time
Lose your temper quickly, irritated
Those are just some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, I recommend reading up on adrenal fatigue if you feel you have many of the above symptoms. The hardest part about healing from adrenal fatigue is that there is no magic pill. It takes time and dedication to bring your body back to homeostasis. Nourishing one self, rest, taking time for yourself and realizing that you need a little help in everyday life is what you need.
Part of my job relieves stress for moms in the kitchen department, but I never realized all of the other benefits I was giving to my clients. My services nourishes their family with healthy whole foods and allows them to do other things that they enjoy; like playing with their children, going to get a massage, focusing on their husbands needs and their own, and just doing things that brings them joy. This leads me to the whole point of this post, Sonya Tonhauser can be part of your healing regime. She is the closest to that magic pill (behind me:))
She can relieve that daily stress by doing anything you need her to do that will help relieve some stress.Grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, organizing your home, decorating for Christmas, going to the post office, waiting in lines that you don't have time for, pick up gifts for clients or friends, plan a party. Seriously, the list goes on. The next time you think you want to be super mom, ask yourself, is it worth it? What is this showing my kids? How is it impacting my relationship with my husband and kids? Do I need to do it all or can I get a little help?
Here is Sonya's link to her website Custom Concierge Services. If you live in the Calgary area, I hope you allow yourself to use her services to help heal your body and become less stressed and a happier person for yourself and your family.