Intuitive Light Work

Intuitive light work can also be described as intuitive energy healing.

Optimal health is not only about eating healthy, it is about becoming aware of our emotional blockages and releasing them in order to evolve and become more true to oneself. Bringing awareness to an emotional blockage is key to setting you free.

I became aware of this powerful healing work when I myself needed guidance. I was struggling deeply and my emotions were not allowing me to see the big picture. Through many amazing sessions, things were revealed to me that I had no idea was holding me back. I have become more confident in myself, I have more clarity of who I am, I stay true to myself now and I continue to become mentally sovereign.

Through my studies under my mentor I have learned how to become a vessel of awareness for my clients. I am able to receive a “knowing” from their energy and be able to express that message to them in order for them to see what may be blocking them from moving forward.

We all have this power within us, I have chosen to nurture it in order to serve my community even more. I don’t heal you, you heal yourself through the work we do together. The more we understand who we are, the more we are contributing to the higher collective.

If you would like to connect, be seen, learn how to become mentally sovereign, please reach out to to get your name on my list for the new year. I will contact you to confirm I received your email and once my studies are complete I will reach out in the new year to book your first session. As my thanks to you, Your first session is pay what you can. Sessions are done by phone and last about one hour. I look forward to shedding the light and supporting you through your evolving journey.